Frequently asked questions
A. If you need to cancel, we understand that life can be hectic sometimes. We ask that you cancel as soon as you become aware that you are unable to make your appointment in order to allow the opportunity for others to take your appointment slot.
A $65 did not arrive fee will be charged, where an appointment is not cancelled 2 hours prior to the appointment time.
Q. How much do you charge?
A. See our fees schedule. Whilst we endeavour to update this regularly there may be other charges which apply.
A. If he/she is a short term visitor to our area and has no immediate access to healthcare, he/she will be offered the next available appointment as a casual patient. This will incur a non-subsidised casual fee.
A. Prescriptions can be requested through the ManageMyHealth Patient Portal or phone (09) 273 6003.
Please allow 48 hours for the prescription to be processed during normal business hours. There is a charge for prescriptions.